Scattered Minds : The Origins and Healing of Attention Deficit Disorder

In this breakthrough guide to understanding, treating, and healing Attention Deficit Disorder, Dr. Gabor Maté, an adult with ADD and the father of three ADD children, shares information on: ·      The external factors that trigger ADD/ADHD ·      How to create an environment that promotes health and healing ·      Ritalin and other drugs ·      ADD adults …and much more Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD/ADHD) has remainded a controversial topic in recent years. Whereas other books on the subject describe the condition as inherited, Dr. Maté believes that our social and emotional environments play a key role in both the cause of and cure for this condition. In Scattered, he describes the painful realities of ADD/ADHD and its effect on children as well as on career and social paths in adults. While acknowledging that genetics may indeed play a part in predisposing a person toward ADD/ADHD, Maté moves beyond that to focus on the things we can control: changes in environment, family dynamics, and parenting choices. He draws heavily on his own experience with the disorder, as both an ADD sufferer and the parent of three diagnosed children. Providing a thorough overview of ADD/ADHD and its treatments, Scattered Minds is essential and life-changing reading for the millions of ADD/ADHD sufferers in North America today.



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Parution : 30/05/2000
Éditeur : Knopf Canada
ISBN : 9780676972597
No de produit : 8.983050
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